Unorthodox Health and Wellness Practices That Are More Effective Than You Think

  • Cold therapy (cryotherapy) can help with inflammation, boost the immune system, and aid in weight loss.
  • Sound therapy has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression and improve sleep.
  • Qigong is an ancient Chinese practice that combines physical movements, breathing techniques, and meditation for improved circulation and relaxation.
  • Oil pulling is an oral health practice used to reduce inflammation and detoxify the body.
  • Grounding or earthing involves connecting your body to the earth’s surface in order to reduce inflammation and improve sleep.

When it comes to taking care of your body, many options exist. From counting calories to hitting the gym, there are tried and true practices for staying healthy and strong. But what about the lesser-known approaches? The techniques that go beyond the usual methods? In this blog, you will learn about a few unorthodox health and wellness practices that are often overlooked but can be highly beneficial.

Cold Therapy

Have you ever heard of cryotherapy? It’s a practice that involves exposing your body to extremely cold temperatures for a short period. Cold therapy is said to help with inflammation, boost your immune system, and even aid in weight loss. If you’re willing to brave the icy conditions, cryotherapy might be worth looking into.

Sound Therapy

Sound therapy involves using music or sound frequencies to create a healing environment. Some studies have shown that it can help with anxiety, depression, and sleep issues. From gong baths to binaural beats, there are many different forms of sound therapy to explore.


Red Sunshade and People Performing Qigong

Qigong is an ancient Chinese practice that combines physical movements, breathing techniques, and meditation. It’s said to help improve circulation, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. With its slow and gentle movements, qigong might be just the thing to bring balance to your body and mind. You can get started with this practice by enrolling in a Qigong school. Here, you will learn the fundamentals and practice in a supportive environment.

Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient oral health practice that involves swishing oil in your mouth for several minutes. It’s said to help improve oral health, whiten teeth, and even detoxify the body. Coconut oil is a popular choice, but sesame and sunflower oil are also used.


Also known as earthing, grounding involves connecting your body to the earth’s surface. This can be done by walking barefoot on grass or sand or even by using special grounding mats or sheets. Some studies have shown that grounding can help reduce inflammation and improve sleep.

Tongue Scraping

Tongue scraping is another ancient practice that involves using a special tool to remove bacteria and debris from the tongue. It’s said to help improve oral health, freshen breath, and even aid in digestion. Tongue scrapers can be found at most health food stores or online.

Organic Medicines and Supplements

Organic medicines and supplements are herbs, spices, and other natural ingredients that can be used to help treat a variety of health issues and promote wellness. There are many different ingredients that can be used to help support your overall health and well-being. Here are a few of the most popular ones you should look into:


Ginger is a warming spice that has been used for centuries to help with digestive issues. It’s also said to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer properties. Ginger can be consumed in many forms, such as tea or capsules.


Turmeric is another powerful spice that is packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s been used for centuries to help treat a variety of conditions and promote overall health. Turmeric can be taken as a supplement or added to food for an extra nutritional boost.



Garlic has been used for centuries to boost immunity and reduce inflammation. It’s also said to have antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. Garlic can be consumed in various forms, such as capsules or powder.


Ginseng is a traditional Chinese herb that has been used for centuries to boost energy and mental clarity. It’s also said to have anti-inflammatory properties that help support overall health. Ginseng can be taken as a supplement or added to food for an extra health boost.


CBD oil is extracted from hemp, a plant that contains compounds thought to have calming and anti-inflammatory effects. CBD oil can be taken as a tincture, capsule, or topical cream.

By giving these organic medicines and supplements a try, you may be able to reap the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.

It’s clear that there are many unorthodox practices out there worth exploring when it comes to health and wellness. From cold therapy to organic medicines and supplements, these lesser-known approaches can provide a powerful boost for your body and mind.

If you’re looking to take your health game up a notch, consider trying some of these unconventional methods – you may be surprised at the results! Ultimately, whether or not you choose to pursue any of them is entirely up to you; however, by exploring your options and learning more about each one, you’ll have an easier time finding the best approach for your unique needs.

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